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The consumer filing for bankruptcy or considering filing for bankruptcy

Does My Chapter 13 Payment Change With My Income?

The decision to file for bankruptcy is not one to take lightly. With the multiple bankruptcy plans available and the changes to bankruptcy law that occurred in 2005, it is important to be an informed about options from various scenarios. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy but have concerns about what may happen should your income change, here is an overview of the facts.

Bankruptcy for Small Businesses

The entrepreneurial spirit is one of the touchstones of American culture that has made our country so strong. The willingness of driven individuals to step out and risk their financial stability for the sake of a business they believe in has been a catalyst of our country’s growth. However, a recent study by the University of Nevada showed that one in seven bankruptcies are filed by individuals tying to cope with the failure of a small business.

Bankruptcy Property Exemptions

The process of bankruptcy offers debtors a clean slate when they are overwhelmed by financial burdens. Once a bankruptcy case is completed, however, the debtor will still need basic possessions and assets to move their life forward. Fortunately, the Bankruptcy Code recognizes these basic needs and provides a variety of property exemptions for debtors. If property is exempt, it will not be subject to the seizure of creditors.


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